Oxandrolone is a potent Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) derived anabolic steroid of immense popularity and extreme benefits; unfortunately, it is also one of the most commonly counterfeited anabolic steroids of all time. Assuming you can find high quality Oxandrolone, and we assure you there is plenty of quality Oxandrolone on the market, you will have an extremely well-tolerated steroid for men and women; specifically healthy adult men and women. This is one of the most side-effect friendly steroids on the market, and for women there is no steroid better to use than Oxandrolone. If you’re unfamiliar with Oxandrolone, it’s because you may know it better by its most popular trade name; Oxandrolone is the anabolic androgenic steroid most commonly known as Anavar.
A steroid that is immensely important to performance enhancing athletes, Oxandrolone is also one of the leading steroids in therapeutic steroidal treatment. From fighting muscle wasting diseases and even treating osteoporosis, this hormone can prove to be invaluable; in-fact, it has served millions unimaginably well. Of course, as it’s often used to treat muscle wasting diseases, Oxandrolone is not well-known as being a mass steroid in the world of performance enhancement; not when we’re talking about men and there are almost no men who will use it for that purpose. Male performance enhancers will normally find this to be a solid cutting steroid or one to enhance athletic performance, but for mass promotion there are better choices.
Then we have females, and regardless of the purpose of use this is the steroid for women; so female friendly it is often referred to as “The Girl Steroid” in many performance circles. This isn’t to take away from its benefits in-regards to male supplementation; it’s simply unbelievably beneficial to women and very side-effect friendly. For cutting and athletic performance, Oxandrolone will work the same as it does for men, but bulking is another story. Women are far more sensitive to the Oxandrolone hormone than men, and a little can go a long way; as such, it can produce excellent off-season gains if desired.

Of course, while side-effect friendly the Oxandrolone hormone does carry possible side-effects, and they will be similar to most DHT compounds. Issues like acne and hair-loss can be a problem, but both are avoidable in many cases and somewhat genetically dependent. Further, prostate enlargement can be an issue if you allow massive DHT buildups, and so can virilization for women. While very side-effect friendly to women, this only applies to women who supplement responsibly, and irresponsible supplementation will lead to virilization. Further, even with responsible supplementation, some may fall prey to virilization due to a poor genetic response; however, this is extremely rare and combatable should it occur.
All in all, this is one fantastic steroid that serves many purposes, and we’ll discover and discuss each one through the pages here today. Further, we will not only discuss the benefits, but all possible side-effects and ensure your supplementation is successful; after all, if you’re plagued by side-effects this is not successful supplementation. Last but certainly not least, we’ll go over what you need to know when you buy Oxandrolone; as stated, this is one of the most commonly counterfeited steroids on earth, and you need to know all the ins and outs if you’re going to ensure a successful purchase; with all this in mind, let’s dive in.